
Stable release

There are two ways to install pyMonteCarlo. The simplest one is the stand-alone version, which comes as a zip file containing an application executable under Windows. The more advanced one is to install pyMonteCarlo as a Python package from the Python Package Index (PyPI). Instructions for both methods are given below as well as how to install pyMonteCarlo for developers.

Stand-alone, graphical user interface


Stand-alone version for MacOS and Linux are under development. Users of these operating systems can install pyMonteCarlo as a Python package. See instructions below.


For Windows, pyMonteCarlo is packaged as a stand-alone distribution. It can be downloaded here. To install, simply extract the content of the zip file and run pymontecarlo.exe. This distribution is bundled with all supported Monte Carlo programs.

Python package

pyMonteCarlo only supports Python 3.7+. It is recommended to install the latest Python version. You can download Python from the official release. Using other Python distribution like Anaconda, minconda, etc. should also work.

To install pyMonteCarlo, run this command in your command prompt/terminal:

$ pip install pymontecarlo pymontecarlo-gui

This is the preferred method to install pyMonteCarlo, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

pyMonteCarlo package provides the core, common functionalities. In other words, it does not contain the interface to Monte Carlo programs. Each interface has its own package. The supported Monte Carlo programs are listed here.

As a starting point, it is recommended to install pymontecarlo-casino2. Most of the examples in this documentation are based on pymontecarlo-casino2. This Monte Carlo program works on Windows and after installation Wine on MacOS and Linux. Installation instructions are below.

$ pip install pymontecarlo-casino2

If your PYTHONPATH is properly configured, you should be able to run pyMonteCarlo graphical user interface by simply typing pyMonteCarlo in a command prompt/terminal:

$ pymontecarlo

If not, another way to start pyMonteCarlo is the following:

$ python -m pymontecarlo_gui



Many projects in the pyMonteCarlo organization uses Git LFS. Please make sure it is installed before cloning any repository.

Clone the pyMonteCarlo Github repository, either directly or after forking:

$ git clone git://

Install the project in editable mode:

$ cd pymontecarlo
$ pip install -e .[dev]

Run the unit tests to make sure everything works properly:

$ pytest

Repeat the same procedure for any other pyMonteCarlo projects in the Github pyMonteCarlo organization.


Wine is a Windows emulator for MacOS and Linux. Since some Monte Carlo programs are only available on Windows, Wine is a way to run them on other operating systems. Please refer to the Wine website to download the latest version and the platform-specific installation instructions. pyMonteCarlo assumes that Wine is properly installed and that the wine executable is in the PATH.